Saturday, November 23, 2013

Taipei 2

I was able to once again share with a group of people I have come to love. This is the Phillipine people (mostly domestic help and computer factory help)in Taiwan. Chosen Ones target group for evangelism in Taiwan. Since the last time I shared with them they have grown by planting churches throughout Taipei. It is so good to see God moving through this movement, as they continue to serve God. Here are some pictures of Chosen Ones in Taipei, one of the mother churches of Tamsui.

Here is the sermon that was preached at Chosen Ones Taipei, I hope you enjoy it. There will be a commercial before the sharing.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Taipei Ministry

I had the privelage to share with a new plant in Tamsui. It was a young Philipino congregation who mostly work in the factories in the district. They also work in domestics (housekeeping and nannies).
After service some took us to the harbor in Taepei. Here were just a few photos from that trip. Please pray for this plant it is a little less than one year old and ministers to a working class Philipino person.

Tamsui church members sharing a bus to the harbor.

Shawna and a few of the members taking a brek from boat ride and strolling through the area.

The group takes a group picture at what is called the Lover's bridge.

Keep praying two more Sunday's to go!      Pastor Craig