Sitting here in Rio I stand amazed at what God can do to a life. I met a Kenyan who is a assistant to a blind distance runner. He came to know Jesus at the London Paralympic Games. Before those games this man was a warrior who had to fight to survive in the area where he lives. He shared that he even had to kill people for the opportunity to drink the water near his village. To even get to this water he had to walk an hour. The water they drink and bathe in is the same water the animals drink as you see in this picture of a child from his village.
Being from the United States it is hard for me to believe their are places in the world that have to fight or travel such distances to get a drink of water. This man told us of how he believes if this village could get a well (in Africa it is known as a bore hole) that he would be able to share Christ who we know is the living water. John chapter 4 speaks of something like this, “A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink.” For His disciples had gone away into the city to buy food. Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?” For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”
The man who accepted Christ four years ago shared his story with his village of 400. At first they were resistant, but he bought the Jesus movie on DVD and played it in his village. Out of that one movie he started a meeting for people who want to learn about Jesus. They meet under a tree with some thatch roof to cover them from the sun. He believes that if his village would get water, then all the villages around them would come for that water. Then he can share to them about the true "living water". Pray for him as he continues this endeavor.