Friday, September 16, 2011

Flight Troubles

You think you have a bad day? We had one trying to get Taipei. Upon getting to the airport at Boise we found out our plane was delayed to San Francisco. We got to San Fran 5 minutes after our plane to Tokyo then Taipei. I ran all the way to the international terminal and the plane was still there! I should have figured it would have been there with the prayers we said in Boise. After just catching that plane we landed in Tokyo. Upon arrival we found out they cancelled the second portion of our flight to Taipei. (God seems to have a sense of humor in allowing use to stay in Tokyo). There was only one thing wrong, we had no phone numbers with us of those in Taiwan that we're meeting. We called Sue at home at 4:00am, but she didn't answer. Luckily,(probably God intervened) Shawna got a hold of us and took care of our situation. So we will fly out 25 hours later and hopefully land in Taipei - Pray we can make a easy and good connection with the team we are meeting tomorrow.

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